Stockcar Squad Subscription

$24.99 / month

Subscribing to this package, gives you access to TWRS NASCAR setups and exclusive access to building sessions. If you buy our setups weekly, this subscription will save you money while also giving you extra resources such as being able to talk with the builders and drivers.


  • A, B, and C open setup packs.
  • Access to building and practice sessions.
  • Access to discord channels that our house drivers chat in.


If you want high quality NASCAR iRacing setups without breaking the bank, sign-up for the TWRS Stockcar Squad subscription!

2 thoughts on “Stockcar Squad Subscription

  1. could you tell me if Dover sets will be added to my subscription i just bought and each week will the new ones be added for download.

    1. all sets are added between Sunday and Monday at noon EST. the week of. Always feel free to join the Discord where updates are added before they are added here, interact with our community members and talk directly with the builders!

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